Ultraviolet (UV) water purification systems are thought to offer the most cost-effective way of protecting residential drinking water against biological contaminants. UV purification systems can be used to protect against water-borne viruses, bacteria, molds and pathogenic disease-causing microorganisms such as giardia and cryptosporidium. Even viruses such as the hepatitis virus, which are known to be highly resistant to chlorine-treated water, can be relatively easily eliminated through UV treatment. Shagni Electronics provide UV water purifier and filter. UV technology kills any bacteria and viruses.
Ultraviolet (UV) light is invisible and is emitted by different light sources, including the sun. At certain intensities, UV light emits enough radiation to kill the DNA in bacteria and other microorganisms. An ultraviolet water purification system typically consists of a UV light source with an output of around 254 nanometers which produces radiation of a significantly greater intensity than the radiation produced by sunlight.