RO Water Purifiers
This technology is ideal for regions that receive hard water, which has high levels of Totally Dissolved Salts (TDS). Reverse Osmosis, or RO technology, involves water being passed at high pressures through a thin film composite membrane. This helps reduce the quantity of salts and minerals dissolved in the water by approx 90%, bringing it down to a level thats healthy and permissible. Hard water may contain dissolved minerals and salts like arsenic, iron, mercury, lead, fluoride and nitrates etc.
RO technology eliminates any physical, chemical or biological contaminants, keeping you safe from waterborne diseases.
Several homes are exposed to water from a variety of water sources. At such times its best to use water purifiers using a combination of RO and UV technologies.
If you're unsure about which purification technology you need to opt for, request a home demo. Eureka Forbes water experts conduct thorough tests on your water to determine the ideal purification technology.
See all domestics RO and UV filters